It’s one thing to look at photos of pretty closets, but when it’s time to start designing your own, a lot of “pretty” is great, but a Dream Closet needs to have the features that fit your needs, budget, and lifestyle, too.
Thinking through all the unknowns one of the most important concepts a Closet Designer can help you with – because they know the thousand-and-one little things that will make all the difference when you begin using your new closets. The ones that make you say “This is PERFECT!” – instead of “Why didn’t I think of that?”
So we’ve put together a short list of some of the bigger questions to ponder before you meet with your Designer. Ready? Let’s get started (because a beautiful closet lies at the end of this journey!)
It’s not uncommon for a couple to have considerable height differences (ain’t love grand?). But when it comes to organizing your closet, few people give thought to making it easy for BOTH of you to utilize your space properly. And that can mean different top-and-bottom rod heights, that won’t require one of you to stand on a stepstool to reach their clothes. As the illustration above indicates, it can easily be designed to make it comfortable for both of you to use. It’s a lot easier to do this before your closet gets installed, than after.
This can mean dresses, coats, other other types of clothing that you want to hang unrestrained in order to keep them neat. Take a look at your closet now, find those items, and measure how many inches it would take to hang those items with plenty of space – to avoid having to squeeze them in (which sort of negates the “neat” point!).
Perhaps the number one most requested space for everyone – where to put all those shoes, instead of having them piling up on the floor underneath all your clothes, so you can’t see them (not to mention they’re a pain to get to) DID YOU KNOW? The average woman has 40 pairs of shoes compared to the men’s average of 10 pairs. (We don’t know who they consider average….but our customers usually fall north of those numbers.) So count how many pairs of shoes you need to accommodate, and your Designer will help you find the best and most effective way to store them for easy access – and to keep them in the best shape possible. (Don’t worry about measuring how much space you need for this, as there are multiple ways to design for shoes. Your Closet Designer will help you find the best one for your needs.)
Knits and sweaters fall mostly into this category – although many people also use their closets for folded jeans, t-shirts, and other items. Take an inventory count of these articles and your Designer will help you calculate how many shelves, drawers, or cabinets are needed to accommodate this clothing, depending on your preference.
Just like you wear accessories, our closet designs can include items that make it easy to store them all. From drawers with jewelry inserts, to bins for storing seasonal clothing, and pretty much everything in between. Open wire drawers where you can store damp sports clothing before washing, laundry hampers, cubbies, open bins, belt racks, mirrors, and a lot more. We’ll help you find the best spots for these items, that work with your morning routine and flow smoothly – instead of having to re-trace your steps constantly.
Those five steps are a good place to get you started – and you’ll see that spending a little time in your current closet today, can help you create the Closet of Your Dreams that you can enjoy for a lifetime!